Studiengebühren 2.800 € pro Semester
Bewerbungsgebühr 140 € einmalig
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The program, with a Digital Media and Public Relations specialization at Pécs prepares students for effective work in the fields of professional journalism (of traditional, electronic and online kinds), and Public Relations, advertisement and organizational communication. The program lays great emphasis on practical training in media production and the development of students’ soft skills (empathic and assertive communication, teamwork, flexibility, creativity) and digital self-management capabilities.
We believe that with the spread of digital technologies fast and effective communication and online self-management became a must for companies and individuals alike, both globally and locally. We also believe that creative industries (e.g. advertisement, PR, design, organizational communication) are getting more and more important in commercial, institutional and NGO sectors, while the need for professionally trained journalists remains strong. As the very first department of communication and media in Hungary and with more than 25 years of experience in teaching we are keen to sharpen our students’s sensitivities for, and offer them convertible knowledge about, how communication and media works and how it is to be managed efficiently both in a local, Central-European and global context.

Pécs served as the cultural capital of Europe in 2010 and is a home of several companies working in the cultural and creative industries that a communication and media program with a practical bent can rely on.

The Department of Communication and Media Studies has a special interests in:
- cultural approaches to media,
- digital online communication (e.g. research on Instagram, Facebook, vlogging, youth cultures, social media use),
- studies of popular media culture (e.g. comics, serials and series, videogames),
- digital anthropology and
- internationally networked and recognized research in digital journalism and news consumption.

Apart from the fully-fledged BA program in English, the Department also offers a number of courses on MA and PhD levels in English.

Jetzt bewerben! Studienjahr 2025/26
30.06.2025, 15:59:59
Mitteleuropäische Zeit
Jetzt bewerben! Studienjahr 2025/26
30.06.2025, 15:59:59
Mitteleuropäische Zeit