International Relations MA
Studienort | Ungarn, Pécs |
Art | Master, Vollzeit |
Nominale Dauer | 4 semesters (2 years) |
Studiensprache | Englisch |
Akkreditierung | Hungarian Accreditation Committee (2011/8/VI/12) |
Studiengebühren | 2.500 € pro Semester |
Bewerbungsgebühr | 140 € einmalig |
Einstiegsqualifikation | Bachelor-Abschluss (oder höher) If the applicant’s BA degree is from a non-matching field of study, there is an obligation to complete BA courses during the MA studies, which will incur an additional cost. The number of required BA courses are assessed by the related department and the Credit Transfer Committee of the Faculty. Die Zulassungsunterlagen werden in folgenden Sprachen akzeptiert: Englisch. Ihre Schule kann Ihnen in den meisten Fällen ein passendes Dokument aushändigen. Wenn dies nicht der Fall ist, benötigen Sie (eine) offizielle Übersetzung(en). Sie müssen die Originalnachweise über die Eingangsqualifikation mitnehmen, wenn Sie an die Universität kommen. |
Sprachanforderungen | Englisch Intermediate English language proficiency certificate |
Sonstige Voraussetzungen | Ein Motivationsschreiben muss Ihrer Bewerbung hinzugefügt werden. |
Weitere Informationen |
The goal of the MA degree programme in International Relations is to train highly qualified experts with broad education in the social sciences who can interpret Hungary’s place and role in the international situation and in Europe; and know the theoretical and practical context of international relations. The graduates of the programme have a high level of proficiency in language and negotiation techniques. Their historical, sociological and professional education enables them to think in terms of analysis and synthesis. The knowledge of their subject matter enables them to understand and predict the economic, legal and political processes of the international system. They are able to put the perspectives of the East-Central European region into context amongst the many challenges of international relations. The graduates know and understand the developmental tendencies of the regions outside Europe and have thorough disciplinary knowledge in the areas of civilisation, world economy, international law, political science as well as practical skills in diplomacy, protocol and negotiation techniques. Equipped with these pieces of knowledge and skills they are properly qualified for pursuing their studies in a doctoral degree programme.
Mitteleuropäische Zeit
Mitteleuropäische Zeit